Instructions - CLEANERTABS™ Starter Kit

  1. Prepare Your Supplies: Unpack your CleanerTabs Starter Kit, which includes two reusable spray bottles (labeled 'Glass' and 'Multi-Purpose'), specialized cleaning cloths, and dissolvable cleaning tablets.

  2. Select the Appropriate Bottle: Choose the bottle that corresponds to the cleaning task at hand. If you are cleaning glass surfaces, use the bottle labeled 'Glass'. For any other surface, use the 'Multi-Purpose' bottle.

  3. Fill the Bottle with Warm Water: Fill your selected bottle with warm water up to the designated line. Warm water is best for dissolving the cleaning tablets.

  4. Dissolve the Tablet: Drop a CleanerTabs tablet into the bottle filled with warm water. If you are using the 'Glass' bottle, ensure you use a 'Glass' cleaning tablet, and likewise for the 'Multi-Purpose' bottle.

  5. Wait for the Solution to Form: Let the tablet fully dissolve in the water, which should take around 5 minutes. The tablet will convert the water into a powerful, eco-friendly cleaning solution.

  6. Start Cleaning: Once the tablet is completely dissolved, your cleaning solution is ready for use. Spray the solution onto the surface you need to clean, taking care to spray evenly across the surface.

  7. Wipe Clean: After applying the solution, use one of the specialized cleaning cloths from the kit to wipe down the surface. Ensure you clean until all residue or dirt is removed.

  8. Repeat as Needed: Repeat this process for all areas in your home that need cleaning. Each tablet makes up to 750ml of cleaning solution, offering a substantial amount of cleaning power from a single tablet.

Safety First: Always keep the cleaning tablets and solutions out of reach from children and pets. Store all cleaning materials in a safe, dry place. If the solution comes into contact with your eyes, rinse thoroughly with water immediately.

Enjoy the efficiency and eco-friendliness of your CleanerTabs Starter Kit and revel in the cleanliness and freshness of your home!