May 06, 2024

Identifying Mould: 3 Common Signs to Look Out For & How to Remove Mould For Good

Identifying Mould: 3 Common Signs to Look Out For & How to Remove Mould For Good

Mould sucks. Anybody who has had a run-in with it in their home knows this. It’s relentless, hard to kill, and will spread like wildfire if given the chance. So, today we’re sharing 3 common signs that may indicate a mould infestation in your home, as well as some tips for getting rid of it for good. Let’s do this!

1. Musty odours in one or more areas of the home

This is a classic sign that mould has set up camp in your abode. Mould finds it easier to grow and thrive in cold, damp, dark environments like bathrooms, laundries and between wall cavities. If you start to notice a dank smell coming from any of these common mould habitats, it’s time to take action.

2. Dark marks growing on your walls, in your grout, and on other surfaces

Dark marks tend to be bad omens (thanks, Voldemort — or should we say, Mouldemort). Having a mould infestation in your home can honestly be scarier than facing a bunch of Death Eaters if you don’t have the proper tools or the know-how to deal with it immediately. If you notice any strange markings showing up on your walls, don’t panic, you can treat mould with a specialised mould killer and nanocoat protection combo. Whether this will also help keep The Dark Lord’s forces at bay is yet to be determined. We’ll keep you updated.

3. Mystery coughs, rashes, and other illnesses appearing and lingering

It’s no secret that mould can cause horrible health issues for people who are susceptible to allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. If you notice your pet has been excessively itchy without having fleas, or if your nose has been running and eyes irritated more often than not, or if your child’s pesky cough just won’t quit - mould might be at play.

How to remove mould at the roots for good…

  1. Address any excess moisture that might be in the home. This could be due to a leaky tap, an unventilated bathroom, or even previous water damage. You need to fix the root cause before tackling the mould itself.
  2. Kill the mould at the roots with GLASSGUARD mould remover, a specialised mould-killing gel that seeps below the surface to ensure mould is removed and doesn’t reappear.
  3. Apply nanocoat protection for tiles and grout and other ‘at risk’ surfaces to further protect them against the return of mould.


You’ve got this!